As Highway 395 projects into the distance and the majestic Sierras build around you, replacing the walls of your home office with nature's most dramatic story - it's not just the concrete you leave behind as you depart the city for Mammoth, it's the mind set. Driving into Mammoth, the iconic mountain in view, things slow down and you can't help but feel yourself relax. All four seasons in Mammoth are worthy in their own right-the aspen trees are on fire in autumn, winters are sparkling with snow, spring brings sunshine drenched days spent skiing in t-shirts, and summers hiking to alpine lakes are just sublime. There is something for everyone in this playground, and the Sierras can make anyone into an outdoor lover. After living here for five years I am still discovering new hot springs to soak in, going on picnics with new vistas in view and finding new backcountry spots to ski down.
Kristy is also the maker behind the delicious Giddy Up Nuts, which you can find in our shop. Follow her on instagram @giddyupnuts